How Often to Replace a Car Battery in Chandler, AZ

Yellow Car Battery

While there are a number of factors that can affect the life of a car battery, the general consensus is that you should replace your battery about every 4-5 years. Learn more about car batteries at Jaguar Chandler Authorized Service, and if you prefer the professionals to take a look at yours, schedule service at your local authorized Jaguar service center. Be sure to also check out more of our auto parts maintenance tips to keep your car running for a long time on Phoenix roads!

How to Know If Your Car Battery Needs to Be Replaced in Chandler

Some warning signs your car battery is dying and needs to be replaced include:

  • More frequent need for engine revving or jump starts
  • Dimming headlights
  • Takes longer to start the engine when you turn the key/push the button
  • Unusual power fluctuations in the electrical systems

What Causes Car Battery Deterioration in Chandler, AZ?

  • Time: Just like a laptop battery, a car battery can only go through so many charge cycles before it dies, but proper battery care can prevent it from deteriorating prematurely.
  • Vibrations: If the battery hold-down clamps are loose, or you often drive over rough roads, vibrations can cause internal battery parts to break down faster.
  • Heat: Hot weather causes more rapid evaporation of liquids inside a car battery, so exposure to consistently hot temperatures will shorten your battery life. Storing your car in a garage can help combat the effects of extreme heat.
  • Needing a Jump: If you’ve left your lights on overnight or idled the engine for too long and require a jump start, this can take a chunk out of your battery’s lifespan.

For the best idea of how long your car battery should last with proper care, consult your owner’s manual or your Jaguar maintenance schedule.

If you’ve had to jump your vehicle more than once in a short time period, or if you find that your electrical components, brake lights, and headlights just aren’t working as they should, the problem could involve your vehicle’s alternator.

How to Test a Car Battery in Chandler, AZ

You can have your car battery tested during regular maintenance at your Gilbert-area service center twice a year, and you can even save on your next visit with our rotating service specials. If you want to test it between that time, many retailers offer free tests, or you can test the battery at home with a few easy methods.

The Headlight Test: 

  1. Turn on the engine, keep the car in park, and make sure the headlights are on.
  2. Rev the engine and see if the headlight brightness changes.
  3. If the headlights get brighter, that means the current is not strong enough to keep the lights at normal brightness while the car is idling.
  4. To take you car to a service center at this point for further assessment.

Using a Digital Multimeter:

  1. Set the voltmeter to 20 DC volts.
  2. Under the hood, touch the negative terminal (black) with the negative meter probe (also black).
  3. Touch the positive terminal (red) with the positive meter probe (also red)
  4. Have a friend turn on the headlights and check the voltmeter reading.
  5. At 80℉, 12.5 volts or higher means your battery is fully charged. 12.3 volts means it’s at about 75% charged.11.8 volts or lower means you have 25% or less charge.

How Much is a Replacement Car Battery?

  • The typical car battery cost can range between $75 and $120, but if you have a luxury car with a premium battery it could be up to $200.
  • If you have a hybrid car, that battery will be more expensive to replace since it has a much bigger job, and can cost anywhere between $1000 and $6000. Luckily this cost tends to be offset over time due to the low fuel consumption and minimal gas costs.

Rely on Jaguar Chandler Authorized Service for Your Service Needs

If you need to replace your battery in Tempe, visit the Jaguar Chandler Authorized Service parts center You can also rely on Jaguar Chandler Authorized Service for additional car care tips, like how to check tire tread depth, how often to rotate your tires, and more!

More Tips at Jaguar Chandler Authorized Service

    Jaguar Chandler Authorized Service 33.3235347, -111.9711539.